Hati - hati dengan Pikiran Negatif. Lebih 80 Pikiran Negatif yang Membuat Dirimu Down

Inilah sederetan kalimat-kalimat negatif yang membuat dirimu down, kehilangan percaya diri. Kehilangan percaya diri membuat diri tak akan pernah sukses. sulit mencapai cita-cita, menyebabkan depressi dan bahkan bunuh diri. 

Hati--hati..!! Musuh dalam hidupmu sesungguhnya adalah dirimu sendiri.

Apakah itu betul ? Silakan simak kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini, dan renungkanlah.

Kalimat-kalimat di di bawah ini sengaja di buat dalam bahasa Inggris, karena maknanya jauh lebih dalam. Jika Anda tidak mengerti, dan tak mau mencai artinya, berarti dirimu adalah salah satu pemeraktek kalimat negatif di bawah ini.
Pikiranku adalah Musuhmu. Hati-hati !!
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# I dont matter
# I am not important enough
# I get angry very easy
# I get stress over little things
# I always make some kind of drama "Drama Queen"
# I am always worry
# I am jealous for rich people, creative people
# I am worthless
# I am not as lucky as other people
# I am not a good person
# I am not friendly
# I have no friends
# I am just a simple person.
# I am not a good mother, or I am not e good father
# I am not a good wife
# I am not good employer
# I have no talents, my hobby is worthless
# I am not proud of me. 
# I am not proud what I am doing
# I am cool person
# I am careless person
# I am very impatient
# I let many things in mind at de same times
# I always see bad things in other person and in everything
# I can be very open ( private ), and sorry after all
# I am difficult too make friends
# I can be annoying
# I am irritable and often reckless
# I am jelling too much
# I am not so tidy
# I am easy to get panic
# I am overthinking
#I doubt too long
# I can be rude
# I have short attention
# I don't remember people
# I am not easy to remember people and easy to forget them
# I can be cynical of sarcastic
# I don't let people close to me, I keep distance
# I be come way of offensive when some one hurts my love one
# I have too low confidence
# I don't like people to dictate me
# I don't appreciate what people do to me ( good things), but I see as their duty
# I don't deserve a good live
# I don't , almost never give compliment to other, also not for myself
# I don't love myself.
# I am not beautiful
# I think myself is ugly, I don't like my own body
# I am to lazy to take care myself
# I am busy watching other people life
# I am procrastinate 
# I am loser
# I judge people always
# I always blame other
# I always worry and thinking about money. Everything is about money
# I will never be rich, never enough money to buy everything I want
# I am not lovely person
# I am boring person
# I always grumble
# I always complaining
# I am a lazy and slow person
# I am not creative person
# I always screwing something up 
# I am always expecting the worst
# I am always feeling depressed
# I am not clever person and low intellectual 
# I am sensitive
# I am weak 
# I am not smart enough 
# I dont have any skill 
# I talk very loudly
# I am stubborn
# I am always badmood
# I never show any enthusiasm
# I am lonely 
# I am always sad
# I am never happy
# I am a failure
# I am never satisfied
# I always taking things personally
# I am always playing victim
# I am always dwelling on bad news 

Adakah kalimat-klimat di atas berlaku atas dirimu ? Kebiasaanmu dalam berpikir dan bertindak ? Tidak hanya kalimat-kalimat di atas yang sering membuat dirimu sendiri lemah dan tak berdaya tetapi masih banyak pikiran-pikiran negatif yag lain yang mungkin tanpa sadar kamu memilikya. Renungkanlah.